
Coaching is not a one size fits all kind of thing. There are many factors when it comes to finding the right coach you want to work with including the event you are training for, how you gel with them, do they align with your core values?. It can be a very complex and confusing decision because there are so many out there.

Dont worry, we are here to help. These are some of the coaching services members of ours use. 


At Thrive Endurance our coaching philosophy is to maximise health and performance. A healthy athlete can produce constant quality training through the Thrive Endurance Training Plan which is based on achieving your goals by building the foundation blocks, which in turn reduces the chance of injury due to achieving fitness goals step by step, rather than overloading the body with training that it simply cannot sustain.

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”Coaching is about maximizing one’s ability to perform at their best, whatever that may be. It is about the application of the science, appropriate to the individual combined with education in an attempt to yield positive adaptations… within sport AND life.

Everyone has a unique set of goals, strengths, weaknesses and limiters, as well as, a unique set of family, life and work circumstances. JET creates coaching experiences that reflect this.”


At Beckworth Racing we have coaching plans catering for all athletes. From Junior Elite Development to Age Group & Elite Athletes, we have extensive experience across all categories. We take a scientific based training with careful consideration to each athlete’s personal circumstances including injury history, family and career commitments.

Coaching services include: 


Beckworth Racing also welcomes interstate, remote and international athletes via our Correspondence Coaching.  All Beckworth Racing coaches are qualified, passionate, and athlete focused.


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